Want to look Beautiful?

If yes, then I am going to tell you few life hacks through which you can look beautiful, by face and by nature.

You just have to follow few steps, which can help you in looking beautiful without any make-up.

1.       Make a routine to drink enough water for your body, so that your body temperature will be stable and your skin will glow like a star. This is not only the benefit of drinking water, there are many other benefits like: your skin will become smooth, there will be no more black heads on your face, pimples will disappear.

2.       You need to wash your face four times a day: morning, afternoon, evening and before going to sleep. This is not enough may be , whenever you go outside due to some work and come back you must have to wash your face so that dirt can’t be able to stick on your face anymore. Please don’t use a hand wash, sometimes many of the people use to wash their face using soap or hand wash. Use a face wash or special face soap. Facial your face one’s or twice a week.

3.       Try to take bath twice a day, in the morning, after you wake up and in the night, before you go to bed. It will help you to reduce your tension and relief your mental pressure too. When you wake up and have to go to work, you will feel tired in the beginning of the work because your body and mind may not be active properly after sleep. So that, I am advising you to take bath in the morning to be active all the day. And, advising you to take bath before going to bed to relief the tension of all the day and to make you fresh to have a good night. When you will be fresh all the time, you will be happy and it will give you look attractive.

4.       Try to take hot lemon juice instead of tea or coffee in the morning that will help you out in reducing the sensitiveness of your body.

5.       Give an hour to exercise like push up’s, jogging, walking, yoga etc every morning, it will help you in making your muscles and body strong and it will increase your stamina, it will also circulates enough required blood in your body and enhance your skin cells too.

6.       Try to build self confidence. Believe that you are handsome, beautiful and attractive too to catch anyone attention. Believe that your are beautiful which is a self-esteem it will help you to look beautiful and well-groomed

7.       Sleep enough, because it will help you to reduce your tension and mental pressure.

8.       Brush twice a day, after awaking in the morning and before going to bed in the night.

9.       Eat on time, try to eat fruits, veggies, milk product in daily routine and drink milk.

10.   Stay away from drugs.

11.   Dress-well.

12.   Don’t smoke, stay away from junk and unhealthy foods containing cholesterol.

Congratulations! See mirror after 2-3 weeks. Yes! You are naturally beautiful without any make-up.


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