My First Day at College

06:52:00 Khurram Minhas 0 Comments

First day at a new place is usually interesting. The same is true in case of my first day at college. Dreams of the future are always more beautiful and charming than the realities of today. As soon as I appeared in the Matriculation Examination I started thinking of free, independent and interesting life of the college. My elder brother used to tell me that life in a college is more a fun than a serious effort to get education.

My first day at college is an important day of my life. To me it is an unforgettable day. Discipline for the school hard bored me and the attitude of teachers in making us to feel that they know everything upon earth had developed a positive hatred for the school life. That is why I was dreaming of the college life, the life which was not less than a life in a fairy land. During my school days. I had a glimpse of college life from my elder brother and sisters. I was most curiously waiting the day when I would start my college life. I thought that the college life would offer me a free life; here restrictions would be few and threats of teachers would be little. I could hear Hawaii calling my name. At last the longed for day came in.

I got admission in Punjab College. A thought came thousand times in my mind that how my first day at college would be? I entered the college premises with countless new hopes and aspirations. I was happy as clam to see that the college presented a new sight; it was quite different from what I had seen in and around our school. I came across many unknown faces.
I had some very strange experiences on the day of my college. I found all the newly admitted students in high spirits. They are all happy to make friends and they were silent as grave. I moved round the college. I was very much delighted to see the grand library of the college where I could find books on very subject.

I noted down the class from the notice board of my college. In a short while I went to the lecture room and mistaking it for a school I observed some rules of decorum. As soon as the teacher entered I stood up and greeted him. But I found a strange smile on the face of the teacher and it made us to think that we have not acted properly. The teacher did not teach for some time and indulged in general gossip. It was quite amusing and there was no strain upon our mind.

There were only five periods but we were supposed to attend only three periods; in one period the teacher gossiped whereas no teacher turned up during the other two periods. I felt a bit bored. I felt that life at the college is all play and no work but that also not good for a healthy outlook. I found that the method of teaching in the college is different from that in the school. Each subject is taught by a specialized teacher. Questions are not asked in the classes. Professors do not rebuke the students if they fail to learn their lessons. They simply tell the students to be conscious of their responsibilities which are a positive pact near to me. The students find here a homely atmosphere which they lack in the school. For this, they feel comfortable and easy as pie.

I felt a new rhythm of life and returned home with a mixed sense of duty and liberty.


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