Favorite Food

07:39:00 Khurram Minhas 0 Comments

Everyone has its own relish for food that is as a matter of fact his basic need. But in keeping with my thought food should be filled with taste, entire diet and a healthy salad. Food should be fully tasteful as a colorful painting filled with flamboyant colors. Food is a kernel of nut for my body through it remains fit and juvenile. I like tasty food to dislike every other thing to the front of me.

I like to have all pots of food in my belly if I do see my favorite food. Food is like a candle for me that kindles my life with genesis of light. Food should consisted of entire diet like an Islam with entire code of life. Food should be consisted entirely of all tastes of music. Food is liking or disking of people according to their taste. But my favorite food; full of all diets makes me a colorful rainbow and then its changes me to be active and festive. Thirdly, a food with salad is like electric potential that makes me fully energetic. A food with salad is an electric power for me to make me do every task. Food without salad is perfectly imperfect food. I want to kill the cook who is going to set food without salad. Food including salad accelerates me to keep changes in my life with respect to progress and tasks.2

So a healthy food for me is like a medicine for my body. A fully diet food is my body outfitting to make me feel proud. I like to have hot or cold but healthy food. Everyone can become a green field if he eats healthy food. So healthy food shoves lazy men even to carry out work.2


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