A Memorable wedding

06:57:00 Khurram Minhas 1 Comments

The marriage hall was decorated like a beautiful bride. The stage stood up nicely being decorated with purple flowers because purple was the theme of the wedding. The beautifully decorated hall received a million words of praise by the guests. This indeed was an expected surprise for everyone.

It was my friend’s wedding ceremony for which I had waited every second in the last 5 years. He was always a brother to me. I could never say never to his wedding invitation because he was just like a family member. On the wedding day, I was clearly confused while choosing me dress. All the best dresses in my cupboard pleaded to be worn on such a special occasion.

I reached the wedding hall in time because one would not want to be perfectly late on his best friend’s wedding. His father gave me a warm reception with a thousand greetings. When I reached the hall, I had tons of decorating material standing in front of me. Then I heard a loud whisper of one of the groom’s cousins telling someone about me that here comes the groom’s best friend.

I went up to the stage to meet the bride and the groom. The bride was looking as beautiful as a princess. She was wearing a stylish dress which was speaking of its worth itself. Both of them looked perfect together as if they were made for each other. All the family members were present on the stage and taking pictures with the couple. I greeted them with loads of congratulations. They also said that they were pleased to have me. The ceremony looked completely incomplete until the DJ played some nice wedding songs and few dance performances took place. Then as the delicious smells of the dinner started dancing all over the hall, the dinner was called ON. All the hungry predators lashed on to the meal as if it was their prey. It was a Royal meal and everyone enjoyed a lot.

After that it was the time for a sweet sorrow as the bride had to leave her family and go to her new home. All the family members had tears in their eyes and she met every one of them. Then she was lead towards the car in which she had to leave. The car was decorated just like the bride herself. All the guests started leaving the hall as the couple left the hall, so did I. The ceremony was a source of great pleasure for me.

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