An Ideal Student

07:50:00 Khurram Minhas 0 Comments

The main quality that makes a student ideal is study. He is genuinely interested in his books. He don’t need to worry about to be serious for his study because he is already enough. His parents not need goad him to study. His teachers are confident of his earnestness. He devotes most of his time to his work. He takes pleasure in his work. He does not allow any other activity to disturb or to distract him.

An ideal student is, therefore, well-versed in his courses of study. He is hardworking and intelligent. He is conscientious. The reason is that he is regular in his work.
He does not allow his work to pile up. He is attentive in the classroom. He takes notes and improves upon them at home. If there is any difficulty, he consults the teacher without any hesitation. Of course, he does not cram. Nor does he study only from the examination point of view. He, therefore, does not fear the examination. An examination offers him an opportunity to show and test his ability.

Apart from studies, a perfect student is interested in many other things. Books are necessary but they are not everything. A good student always takes care of his body along with the brain. So, he is interested in games and sports. He may not be an excellent player of any game but he has enthusiasm for playing. If he cannot play, he at least participates as a spectator. Besides games there are other general activities at a college. He participates in as many of these activities as possible.

A model student's attitude to discipline is worth mentioning. Many students look upon discipline as a check on their freedom. A complete student regards discipline with respect and understanding. With him discipline is not an external force. He disciplines himself. He does not go against the rules of the college.


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