07:46:00 Khurram Minhas 0 Comments

I can describe this event as one of the best ones of my life. As it was a concert of a rock band that I was following for many years. The concert of my favorite German band, Rammstien. The tickets were as expensive as gold jewelry. As black color is the signature color of that band so every person was wearing black shirt. The environment was as black as coal. That was a great experience because I had never seen them before and it was too cold that night as there were freezers everywhere. The environment was so amazing that I want to repeat that day.

I remember driving to Islamabad to get ticket two days before the concert. As I reached there I was tired and after seeing the long line I thought that I will never get the ticket and felt blue. My heart was broken but I waited too long to get the ticket. After an hour a boy came to me and asked that he had an extra ticket and he wanted to sell it, I purchased the ticket from him and that day the boy was the light of my life. I came back home the next day and realized I have wasted a lot of time because time is a thief.

The next day I went to the arena to attend the concert. The line was too long to get into the arena. I was not a small crowd as there were people everywhere around. Some people were selling black shirts and I ran slowly to get one. After some time I entered the arena and went nearer to the stage. It was a pretty cruel environment and people were pushing each other. The band suddenly came on the stage and stared the concert. It was the best moment of my life to see my dream band live in front of me. I could listen to people’s screams as they were singing in unison while all of us were just listening to the songs. As it was darkening, from the stage, green, yellow and red fluorescent lights started illuminating us. As I started singing with all the other people around me, my throat started hurting and I felt breathless, so I bought a bottle of water to feel better. The band threw original copies of discs of their latest album into the crowd but I didn’t get a single one and it was great depression for me. The concert was almost over after playing for three hours.

After all the amazing bands had played, people started pushing each other again to get out of that enormous place and I screamed million times to stay away from me as I don’t like anyone to touch me. After screaming a lot and my throat started horribly hurting like there was a cactus inside my throat. The night was cold and really dark and I had to walk thousand miles to get into my car. The light posts around the avenue helped us see the small. The smell of food was great, but as I did not have enough money, I just bought an icy cold soda. It tasted like heaven because my throat was refreshing again. I also bought potato chips after that which were salty and made my throat hurt. I saw people of different ages who came for the concert and I realized that rock is not only for youngsters because there were some old people too. Then I thought the event was so mismanaged that the manager’s brain was of the size of a pea because there were no separate places for old people. The place became empty in minutes and I suddenly saw the member of Rammstien leaving the arena in their brand new Lamborghini. I ran towards them and asked them for autograph and one of the member signed my shirt. Then the sat in their car which went faster than the speed of light.

Time flew and before I knew it, it was time for me to go home. After that I started walking towards the parking and took my car and drove home. It was so cold that the tires of my car were jammed with snow and the race paddle didn’t want to be pushed. The freezing steering scared my warm hands to never touch it. As I drove home all alone through the dark road I saw the evil trees lurking in the shadows.

I experienced almost all senses which helped me to make this one of the most enjoyable and memorable experiences in my life. I still remember the sounds, the sights and the smells of the food which make me want to go back in time to live that occasion for a second time. Even though, I suffered because of people’s attitude at some moments of the concert or because of my screams that hurt my throat once and again, it was really worth the moment.


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