08:02:00 Khurram Minhas 0 Comments

I am not a person who get frighten easily. But I admit that an experience stuck into my mind and heart with terror. Whenever, I remember this experience I got scary. I think that everyone have an experience that remarkable in his as an scariest, horrible and frightening experience that one can never forgets. I also have such an experience that when I think about it my body get as cold as ice.

I opened my eyes I looked outside from window. It was a cool winter morning. There was light darkness in this morning that makes me as happy as calm. Sun is playing hide and seek between the clouds. I got up from my bed and take bath and I took my breakfast with my family with little bit gossips. Then I moved to house of my friend to complete our assignment. All our friends were invited. I took my bike and start move to house of my friend. I choose a forest as a shortcut. The forest was full of dark trees. The forest was a little ghost. I was terrified when rope hanged on tree touch hardly to my neck. Below the forest there was a small canal. Water flew in the canal produce a sound which is pleasant to my ears. Besides this, a loud whispering of animals were produced which makes me to drive my bike faster. After some time I got out of forest and reached house of my friend. All friends were gathered. We completed our assignment with net surfing. After completed our assignment, the little sister of my friend who is an angel invited us to take lunch. We all sat on dining table and ate the lunch. After finished our lunch we were served with a dessert which tastes bitter sweet. Then we decided to play some games and watch movie. We watched a horror movie. Some of our friends got frightened but I didn’t.

After this we decided to move our homes. It was 9am. The time was flow away. We didn’t realized that time has passed so quickly. We said good bye to everyone and moved on. Stars were dancing in the sky. The night was black as coal. Dark swallowed everywhere. Moon glared down from sky. I was on my way to home. Suddenly rain started, I stopped and stand under a dark tree. I felt some footsteps behind me. When I looked back there was a lady who put her hand on my shoulder. I really got scary. Her face was covered with her hairs. She wore a white dress. She had a bag in her hand. I thought in my mind that what she was doing here in midnight in this thundering weather. I thought she might be a killer or a kidnapper and have killing instruments in her bag. I was scared when I looked at her. She asked me to take lift to her. When she spoke I got more scary because her voice was horrible .I was clearly confused what to do. Then I controlled my feelings and tried to become brave as lion. She asked me again to take lift to her. I agreed to give lift to her. After some time rain stopped, we move on our way. I asked to lady that she was doing here in midnight. She said that she forget the way to her home. There was no one here and there I was alone with that strange lady. There were scariest sounds of animals. After some time I felt that something is coming towards my neck. As I looked back her hands were around my neck. She grabbed my neck and tried to kill me. I stopped my bike and try to get away from that lady. I could not take breath easily. After trying I got away from her and as I looked back there was no one. I really got scary and thought that she was a living dead. I was terrified and I got blind as bat with fear. I started my bike and drive speedily after some time I entered into my room and locked it. I tried to sleep.

Next morning when I got up I tried to forget the last night which was the scariest night of my life. I decided to forget it by looking at the shining sun.


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