Can Money Buy Happiness?

06:53:00 Khurram Minhas 0 Comments

There are some people who say’s that money can buy you happiness on the same side there are some people who say’s that having enough money is the second name of problems.

As we all know that, in the present century, we give more importance to money instead of anything. We all work 9 hours almost a day to earn money to full fill our dreams, some people use to do work in part time as well to earn more. Money may not buy happiness for you but remember if you don’t have money you can’t full fill your basic needs which will force you to be sad and depress. So, we can say that money buys happiness for you indirectly, because no one wants to live a congested life.

It helps to buy anything you want in your life. Why costs of things are increasing like luxury cars, luxury houses, and luxury mobiles? Just because now a days, everyone want to show off, want to prove that he/she is richer than others. So, he/she want to earn money, buy luxury things and show off and that show off makes that person happier than before. As education is important now a days and education is a business so if someone want to let study his/her child so he/she must have to invest enough amount to let child study in a luxury environment. In short, if you want to give good education to your children, you must have money. If you become sick, you need to visit medical clinic and to visit a good doctor and to have a good treatment you need money obviously. These are the few examples which prove that money can buy happiness in terms of having a good life.

Having enough money may help you to increase happiness as mentioned in the above few examples, but don’t forget that having more money can destroy your peace too. I have a question for you, can you buy memories? Can you buy your past? Can you buy your loved one who has lost somewhere? Obviously not, so money can’t buy these things which are more important than your daily life needs. I think these three questions are enough to prove that money can’t buy happiness.

To conclude, money can buy your daily basic needs but it can’t buy a real meaning of happiness. Money can hardly buy few things which can please you but it can’t buy the things which you really need in your life to be happy.


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