Can Money Buy Happiness?

There are some people who say’s that money can buy you happiness on the same side there are some people who say’s that having enough money is the second name of problems.

As we all know that, in the present century, we give more importance to money instead of anything. We all work 9 hours almost a day to earn money to full fill our dreams, some people use to do work in part time as well to earn more. Money may not buy happiness for you but remember if you don’t have money you can’t full fill your basic needs which will force you to be sad and depress. So, we can say that money buys happiness for you indirectly, because no one wants to live a congested life.

It helps to buy anything you want in your life. Why costs of things are increasing like luxury cars, luxury houses, and luxury mobiles? Just because now a days, everyone want to show off, want to prove that he/she is richer than others. So, he/she want to earn money, buy luxury things and show off and that show off makes that person happier than before. As education is important now a days and education is a business so if someone want to let study his/her child so he/she must have to invest enough amount to let child study in a luxury environment. In short, if you want to give good education to your children, you must have money. If you become sick, you need to visit medical clinic and to visit a good doctor and to have a good treatment you need money obviously. These are the few examples which prove that money can buy happiness in terms of having a good life.

Having enough money may help you to increase happiness as mentioned in the above few examples, but don’t forget that having more money can destroy your peace too. I have a question for you, can you buy memories? Can you buy your past? Can you buy your loved one who has lost somewhere? Obviously not, so money can’t buy these things which are more important than your daily life needs. I think these three questions are enough to prove that money can’t buy happiness.

To conclude, money can buy your daily basic needs but it can’t buy a real meaning of happiness. Money can hardly buy few things which can please you but it can’t buy the things which you really need in your life to be happy.


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An Ideal Student

The main quality that makes a student ideal is study. He is genuinely interested in his books. He don’t need to worry about to be serious for his study because he is already enough. His parents not need goad him to study. His teachers are confident of his earnestness. He devotes most of his time to his work. He takes pleasure in his work. He does not allow any other activity to disturb or to distract him.

An ideal student is, therefore, well-versed in his courses of study. He is hardworking and intelligent. He is conscientious. The reason is that he is regular in his work.
He does not allow his work to pile up. He is attentive in the classroom. He takes notes and improves upon them at home. If there is any difficulty, he consults the teacher without any hesitation. Of course, he does not cram. Nor does he study only from the examination point of view. He, therefore, does not fear the examination. An examination offers him an opportunity to show and test his ability.

Apart from studies, a perfect student is interested in many other things. Books are necessary but they are not everything. A good student always takes care of his body along with the brain. So, he is interested in games and sports. He may not be an excellent player of any game but he has enthusiasm for playing. If he cannot play, he at least participates as a spectator. Besides games there are other general activities at a college. He participates in as many of these activities as possible.

A model student's attitude to discipline is worth mentioning. Many students look upon discipline as a check on their freedom. A complete student regards discipline with respect and understanding. With him discipline is not an external force. He disciplines himself. He does not go against the rules of the college.


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My Hobbies

There is no compulsion about a hobby. It arises purely from personal taste. Every boy or girl should have a hobby for spare time, for as the poet said:
                                “Absence of occupation is not rest.
                                A mind quite vacant is mind distressed.”

Since it depends on personal taste, it follows that there are many different hobbies. Some find it interesting to collect used postage stamps from all the different countries of the world. Others who are mechanical minded like to work with machinery: to take bicycles or radio-sets to pieces and assemble them again. Another may be fond of fretwork or painting, or of observing the habits of birds and animals in the jungle. A hobby has a beneficial effect on the mind and prevents one from ever becoming dull and in low spirit.
My hands automatically move towards books whenever I am free from my work. Reading is my hobby. There are two reasons for this choice. One it is my taste of life. Two, the Bill Gates, who is my hero, also liked reading a lot. He himself had a great collection of books. Besides, it is an advice of great writers to read books in order to write great, Hazlet, Bacon and almost all the writers used to study books and used the acquire a ideas into their writings, Reading followed by writing had made them perfect.

My choice of reading books ranges from poetry, history and geography to Quranic
Tafasirs. Also, books from English literature attract my attention. I read Urdu and English Poetry. The glory of the past is very fascinating to me. So, I have read many a book on Indian history. The knowledge of our ancestors makes me think that I am a part of the past. English novels, essays and stories contribute to my vocabulary and style. I also read Quranic Tafasirs by different scholars in order to grasp the true spirit of Islam.

Besides, I read newspapers and international magazines like "The Time" and “Newsweek”. Their study is very-interesting as they give a thorough view of any hot issue or topic.

The benefits of my hobby are unlimited. Firstly, reading has saved me from bad company and consequent tragic loss. Secondly, it has given me a clear advantage over my fellow students. I have giant vocabulary to speak and write, complete understanding of current affairs and literature by virtue of my hobby. Therefore, I score better marks in examinations and win, sometimes easily, in quiz contests and speech declamation.

My reading habits are another aspect to be investigated. I read books for the sake of pleasure and knowledge. Reading is a source of refreshment for me, not of burden or head-ache. However, when I am free from examinations, I read a lot, almost passionately. Secondly, I always hesitate to lend my books to somebody else because I do not trust anyone in this connection.

To conclude reading is a beneficial habit and a wise advice of great people. It leads one to success everywhere. Investment in this hobby would certainly pay off in future. One can enjoy success, leisure, happiness and great respect by having a good habit for one's spare time.

"The wisdom of a learned man cometh by opportunity of a leisure.”


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College Life

College life is a person’s golden period of early youth. He remembers it in his whole life. He can never forget it. The periods of college life may be two years of intermediate classes. It may include two more years of graduation.

College life is a life of freedom. There is no fear of teachers. The teachers behave in a friendly manner. The students feel no compulsion in studies. They develop a sense of duty and study. They may go to the library or canteen or play ground in spare time. They may move with friends of their own choice. They develop self-confidence. They realize self importance. They learn good manners. They dreams of becoming officers after studies.

Functions, tours and sports are other aspects of college life. They are very happy occasions. They are memorable events of the student’s life. The students enjoy them very much. On these occasions they take photographs of friends, teachers and distinguished guests. They also take photographs of attractive scenery.

College life has some pitfalls also. Some students misuse the liberty. They give up their studies. Some students develop quarrelsome habits. They form terror groups. They disturb college administration. They tease other students. So their educational career is destroyed. Some students are misguided by selfish politicians, they like sabotage and strikes. Some students take too much interest in sports and other co-curricular activities. They ignore their studies. The students should avoid such harmful things.


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